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UMiD - Uci, misli i djeluj (Learn, think and act) - brochure

UMiD - Uci, misli i djeluj (Learn, think and act) - brochure
The importance and success of a training programme are best reflected through its achieved results. In this way, one can easily point out the advantages and the weaknesses of non-formal education. We are going to present the performance accomplished by UMiD which accounts for an example of a successful training programme designed for Youth Leaders.
During the training course, the participants gain confidence, recognise their skills and resources, learn how to work in teams, experience solidarity, creativity and ability to communicate through practice, and develop the feeling of being socially responsible. In addition, each participant learns how to make arguments in support of a discussion, search for and use information and materials that he/she needs, and how to acquire management and business running skills. This enables him/her to easily cope with the business world and make a successful career. In terms of social matters, the training course prompts young people to become more engaged and spend their leisure time doing meaningful things, hence convey their knowledge and experience to other young people. The importance and the success of a training programme are best reflected through its achieved results. In this way, one can easily point out the advantages and the weaknesses of non-formal education. We are going to present the performance accomplished by UMiD which accounts for an example of a successful training programme designed for Youth Leaders.
SKU BR0003
Težina 200.00 g
Author Rejan Igor Roic, Elma Beslic, Jasmin Besic
Tržišna/uobičajena cijena: EUR4.00
Vaša cijena: EUR2.00 (KM3.91)
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UMiD - Uci, misli i djeluj (Learn, think and act) - brochure IUVENTA, strucni casopis za rad s mladima, stampano i elektronsko izdanje (dostavljanje u BiH) Kako su se trosila budzetska sredstva namijenjena mladima
Vodič kroz Zakon o mladima Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, Dodatak: Poređenje sa Zakonom o omladinskom organizovanju RS-a, dokumenti EU-a Donacija / Donation IUVENTA, strucni casopis za rad s mladima, elektronsko izdanje
Evropske smjernice za vrjednovanje neformalnog i informalnog učenja Prezentacija Zakona o mladima Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine, kratka verzija Usluge, po predračunu

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